Maturity Assessment
Let's be honest, service charges are a real beast, a nightmare to execute, and something that most organisations have been happy to let tick along as-is, whilst ignoring the niggling voice in your head (and service charge teams) that scream, 'this isn't right'.
However, attitudes to service charges are changing, as a result of changing legislation, harsher fines, increased scrutiny, squeezed budgets, endless mergers, increasing customer knowledge and requirements, the issues can no longer be ignored.
Many don't understand their current performance, what the potential for improvement is, or how to make the improvement happen. Well, we can help.
Our service charge maturity assessment is a fantastic way to get a baseline maturity for your service charges; it can provide assurances of current performance, highlight opportunities to improve, and measure progress as you implement new ways of working. The icing on the cake is that we will show you how you can re-run the assessment periodically to check your progress and ensure you continue your journey towards excellence.
The cost (excl VAT):
For social housing providers with < 25K units the cost is £7,500
For social housing providers with 25K+ units the cost is £12,000
Interested? Read about the maturity assessment and what it involves here, and to book, click the link below.